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Make a donation

As a not-for-profit, registered charity organisation we appreciate every contribution made to the Dinosaur Coast Management Group.

Donations go a long way to helping preserve and protect the Dinosaur Coast and the unique dinosaur tracks.

Funds raised and given help DCMG to discover new sites, invest in research and development and provide education for the wider community.

How your donation helps

Protect. Discover. Research. Educate.

Help us protect the tracks

DCMG protect the tracks from being damaged and destroyed by ensuring public awareness of the fragility of the tracks.

Help us discover new sites

Donations allow DCMG to discover new tracks by ensuring the scientists verify new track sites and trackways.

Research & development

Thanks to kind donations DCMG are able to invest in scientific research projects with palaeontologists.

Support education at events

Education and local events are provided for the community and wider world so everyone can discover more about the Dinosaur Coast.

Filming dinosaur tracks Dinosaur Coast Broome
Dinosaur track researcher Sarah Gray in Broome
Dinosaur track researcher Sarah Gray in Broome
Sauropod dinosaur puppet Broome