Home » In the Media » Notre Dame, Nulungu: Dinosaur Coast Seminar Series

Notre Dame, Nulungu: Dinosaur Coast Seminar Series

‘Science, History and Community: Bringing the Dinosaur Coast story to life’

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Date: Wednesday 4th November 2020
Venue: NDB11 (Lecture Room 13)
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Also available via Zoom: https://notredame-au.zoom.us/j/99320100834
Passcode: 428613

Dinosaur Coast Talking Heads presenters: Dianne Bennett, Micklo Corpus, Wade Freeman


The Dinosaur Coast Management Group (DCMG) is a not-for-profit organisation, formed in 2015, to protect and promote the dinosaur tracks of the Dampier Peninsula and to educate the public about their cultural and scientific importance, in particular, the work of palaeontologist Dr Steve Salisbury from the University of Queensland
With a broad body of research, local knowledge and a strong community of volunteers the DCMG is proactively putting research and local knowledge into practice. In this seminar Micklo and Wade will talk about the ongoing relationship between scientists, community and the dinosaur trackways, and how knowledge is being translated for the community through the development of simple and high-tech products.
DCMG is raising the profile of the region’s ancient and rare dinosaur trackways and has become the local representative body for consultation on all things “dinosaur tracks”. DCMG’s future aspirations are to support enterprise and research through a world class Broome Dinosaur Coast Interpretive Centre and Dinosaur Coast Trail.


Micklo Corpus

Micklo has been the Chairperson for the Dinosaur Coast Management Group since 2016.
But his path to today has been as interesting as it is diverse.

Micklo was a Senior Police Aid for 11 years with the WA Police Force. During this time, he was posted as far as Halls Creek, Wiluna and Newman. Later Micklo helped to create and then coordinate Minyirr Park Culture and Conservation Reserve and has been a Nyamba Buru Yawuru board member.

He is a passionate conservationist and has been front and centre on many an environmental campaign. Micklo has been active for many years educating the public and Traditional Owners on the impact of hydraulic fracking on Country. In 2016 Micklo was awarded the Australian Conservation Foundation Rawlinson award for outstanding voluntary contribution to protecting the environment in Australia.

Micklo is aware of and keen to develop the Cultural and environmental enterprise opportunities that the Dinosaur Coast trackways present to the community of Broome. Influenced and guided by his culture and heritage Micklo is a keen extended family man, husband and father.

Dianne Bennett

Dianne Bennett has been with the Dinosaur Coast Management group since its conception in 2015. Dianne started discovering dinosaur tracks while walking her dogs Cinnamon and Pip and today has a platform of theropod tracks named after her on Riddell Beach.

For the last four years Dianne has been undertaking her own citizen science project recording and identifying tracks along the Broome coast as well as working with visiting paleontologists.

Wade Freeman

Wade Freeman specialises in community development, natural resource management and infrastructure projects. He has a postgraduate Diploma in Community Development and is a passionate lifelong environmental campaigner.

Wade began working as the Project Officer for the Dinosaur Coast Management Group in 2019 and has been responsible for promotion and education of the dinosaur trackways.

Wade has worked on remote projects including in the forests of South West WA, rainforests of Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as the Tanami Desert, where he coordinated the Paruku Indigenous Protected Area program. Wade has also lived and worked in Oecusse, East Timor where he coordinated programs on sustainable development, food security, disaster risk reduction and climate change.

In recent years Wade has worked with Indigenous ranger groups and native title bodies to develop tourism enterprise models. Other major achievements were the successful campaign for the National Heritage Listing of the West Kimberley including the Dinosaur Coast trackways.

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Michelle Teoh
Michelle Teoh
Articles: 27